Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Opinion 114

The statement "I'll make it up to you." has no relevance in marriage.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Opinion 113

Two things to rely on: God's invicible mercy and forgivness.

One thing never to rely on: Your own ability to improve yourself.

One thing to rely on: A full flask.

One thing never to rely on: Good behavior with a flask.

One thing to rely on: Your ability to write a long paper quickly, especially when it is straightaway due.

One thing never to rely on: That this paper will be good, or even decent, or readable.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Opinion 108

i'm all butterscotch now

Opinion 107

Paul Roche's translations of Euripides are a sorry affair, sorry for both men and their unfortunate readers. They leave you embarrassed for Roche and uninterested in Euripides. Never have I so appreciated the brevity of Euripides' works.