Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Opinion 197: Concerning books purchased

If you ever find yourself in Minneapolis' Dinkytown - an otherwise embarrassing experience, do yourself a favor and visit the Book House.  I am always impressed at the breadth of good books, both old and new, which can be found on their shelves.  I picked up four today a- book buying bonanza.  I have an odd habit of being extremely stingy with bookmoney for months on end and then, suddenly, as if loosed from invisible chains, bounding forth with open wallet, grabbing texts and throwing large sums of money across counters, rubbing book spines incessantly so as to distract myself from monetary guilt.

Loeb Classical Library: Cicero XXII - Letters to Atticus
-A fine Latin text with a very passable English translation.  I hope to practice my Latin on these pages.  God help them.

Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community -Wendell Berry
-It's really not what he has to say, it's how clearly he can say it.

Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Heidegger and Being and Time - Stephan Mulhall
-No, I don't expect any real help here as far as my reading of Sein und Zeit is concerned.  But as long as I am lost in the cave, it'll be nice to have this Mulhall gentleman as a companion.

And a lovely, lovely hardback edition of The Hobbit, large print with Tolkien's illustrations. 

God I'm a cultured man.

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